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I've been interested in storytelling since I could read and write.


As a kid, I Xeroxed my storybooks to pass out to classmates. As a teenager, I revived my high school's long-dormant newspaper and even landed a few of my radio commentaries on NPR (thanks to the awesome nonprofit Youth Radio).


After studying journalism at NYU, I cut my teeth working behind the scenes in international news and documentary production. And sometimes, despite zero acting ability, I appeared in front of the camera, most notably in reenactments for Japanese network news (perhaps a story for another time).


In 2007, a move back to my native Bay Area prompted some serious soul-searching. I decided it was time to use my journalism skills to advance social justice causes dear to my heart. I made the transition to the nonprofit world and haven't looked back.


Until 2012, I led communications at International Development Exchange (now Thousand Currents), the international grantmaking organization that supports community-led initiatives in the Global South.


In 2013, I branched out as a communications consultant to help other nonprofits raise money and increase their visibility.


Outside of work, I enjoy traveling with my husband and sons, exploring San Francisco, keeping up with marketing and social media trends, and organizing meetups for Bay Area Cause Communications Community.

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My first foray into consulting was with Heshima Kenya, a refugee rights NGO in Nairobi, Kenya. Other clients have since included Voice of Witness, Center for Justice and Accountability, Refugee Transitions, and Jewish Family and Children Services.  

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